Tuesday, May 17, 2011

表面上: 中央通訊社是 全民買單的 國家通訊社
實際上: 它是 中國國民黨不用付費的 洗腦機 VI

Eager?  Who says?

US companies eager to invest in Taiwan because of ECFA: official
Focus Taiwan News Channel
2011/05/17 21:48:47
New York, May 16 (CNA) Companies in North America have been showing greater interest in investing in Taiwan since the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China, an official said Monday.

Tso Heng, director of the Center for Economic Deregulation and Innovation under the Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD), said many of the corporations he has visited on his current trip to the U.S. have expressed strong interest in investing in Taiwan.

The ECFA was welcomed by many of the corporations, said Tso, who is leading a delegation of business representatives from Taiwan's renewable energy sector.

For example, he said, Italian solar panel maker MX Solar is paying close attention to developments in the wake of the ECFA signing and is looking for possible investment opportunities in Taiwan.

CEPD Vice Chairman San Gee, who is leading a group of representatives from Taiwan's creative industry, said people at the MTV network think highly of Taiwan's human capital and technology in the entertainment industry and are interested in investing in Taiwan.

San said with the ECFA in place, there is no limit on the number of Taiwan films that can enter China. This could give Taiwan an edge to attract foreign film investors, he added.

Meanwhile, CEPD Minister Christina Liu said the U.S.-based satellite messaging service provider Orbcomm has agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding with Taiwan on strategic alliances with companies such as Chunghwa Telecom and Evergreen Marine Corp., Taiwan's largest shipping company.

The Taiwan delegation of government officials and business representatives is on a five-day visit to the U.S. as part of the government's efforts to attract more overseas investments.

The delegation is scheduled to visit several corporations in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles to promote Taiwan's biomedicine, health care, and creative industries, as well as the sectors that deal with digital content, green energy, electric cars, high technology, and land development. (By Leaf Chiang and Ann Chen) enditem /pc

Thursday, May 5, 2011

中國評論:黃越綏搭蔡丁貴選2012 II

中評社的報導並非空穴來風。 日前黃越綏在電話上親口要求我支持她選總統,而且要公開站出來挺她。我正為此事傷腦筋。 我當時沒問她副手是誰,後來接到此中評社的報導,才知是蔡丁貴。 我發信給大家後蔡丁貴有回信給我說報導中有關他的部分有誤,但沒說是那部分有誤。黃越綏當時在電話上要求我要保密,所以我沒講。直到後來有人傳來中評社的報導,我才藉機廣傳,目的是讓大家知道此事,以便儘早因應。
這讀者提供的事証並沒有冼刷 中評社文章沒有事証, 不是報導的惡行.

請問, 下面這話是報導嗎?

好, 我也來寫一個中國評論模式的報導
各界鹹認,中國共產黨利用中國評論來達到台灣人輸掉 2012 大選的目的.
中國評論的説理其實很清楚:  因為黃越綏和蔡丁貴主要是要宣傳理念, 不是真正要選舉, 對蔡英文是不會有什麼影響, 台灣人不必担心.  黃越綏和蔡丁貴應該循許信良模式來將自己的政治主張及過去冤屈一吐而盡.  這很值得值回票價.

這使我想起楊秋興?  汝今安在哉?


新聞報導可以完全沒有任何事實佐證, 只放一些廢話像:
傳出, 相關人士,  本來, 可能, ...

有中國評論這樣的國家媒體, 會有可尊敬的國民嗎?


中國評論 - ‎2011年5月2日‎
中評社台北5月3日電(記者 鄒麗泳)台北政壇傳出,前“總統府國策顧問”黃越綏將參選2012,綠營相關人士上午受訪時指出,黃越綏醞釀選“總統”已有一段時日,其搭配副手人選為公投護台灣聯盟總召蔡丁貴。 據了解,“黃蔡配”競選2012意在宣揚台灣是主權國家,宣傳理念性質大






